ॐसंगच्छध्वं संवदध्वं सं वो मनांसि जानताम्
देवा भागं यथा पूर्वे सञ्जानाना उपासते ||
May you move in harmony, speak in one voice; let your minds be in agreement; just as the ancient gods shared their portion of sacrifice.
समानो मन्त्र: समिति: समानी समानं मन: सहचित्तमेषाम्
समानं मन्त्रमभिमन्त्रये व: समानेन वो हविषा जुहोमि ||
May our purpose be the same; may we all be of one mind. In order for such unity to form I offer a common prayer.
समानी व आकूति: समाना हृदयानि व:|
समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा व: सुसहासति ||
ॐ शांति शांति शांति !!
ॐ शांति शांति शांति !!
May our intentions and aspirations be alike, so that a common objective unifies us all.
Sangam - confluence / junction / togetherness
Sangachadwam is the last word in the Rig veda. It means let us progress (proceed or move on) together.
Sangachadwam - Let Us Move Together
Famous Rig Veda hymns emphasis the unity of minds to create healthy powerful organisations for prosperity and happiness of all and to promote fellow feeling and righteousness.
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